Community of the Sisters of the Church

The Community of the Sister of the Church is a religious order of women in various Anglican provinces who live the vowed life of poverty, chastity and obedience. The order was founded by Mother Emily Ayckbowm in 1870 as the Church Extension Association.

Mother Emily and other women who felt called to the religious life established schools and orphanages throughout England in the late 19th century. The Church Extension Association evolved into the present Community of the Sisters of the Church. The sisters have houses in England, Canada, Australia and the Solomon Islands. Formerly Sisters were also active in New Zealand.

Any woman who feels called to join the sisters must first apply to the house and then make several visits. Then she becomes an aspirant, then a novice then makes promises to live as a Junior Sister for a few years before taking life vows.

The Sisters of the Church are supported by an international network of associates, who pray for the sisters and give financial and other support for their ministries, which include parish and retreat work, counseling and the only centre in the Solomon Islands for abused women and children at Tenaru.

Their most visible presence in recent years was when two sisters, one in Reeboks, sat in the sanctuary during the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

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